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We sincerely thank you all the support from individuals, families, businesses, donors and volunteers towards today’s Austin Community Snowstorm Relief.

Sunday, February 28th, 2021 at MT Supermarket Center.


Snowstorm Food Relief Contributors:

Anonymous OEBB Friend- 220 bags of rice (25lbs each)

Ashley-D-Ashl Lai- 70 vegetarian ready meals (Bánh bao & pate chaud).

Debby Huynh--Vina Pharmacy- 50 ready-meal boxes (Bánh hỏi nem nướng)

DLG & Adam Tran, chi Anh- Anne ViStar: 10 rice bags (15 lbs each)

Fresh Tofu: 30 rice rolls meal (Bánh cuốn) & Nước Mía.

Hang Hung: Dry noodles.

Hạnh Trần: 20 noodles packs

Kathy Trinh, Sương Ho, Bếp Nhà Leander: 100 chicken soup ready meals (Cháo gà)

Kim Thu- K.t. Vo- 10 rice bags (25lbs each)

Lili's Sandwiches: 100 plain baguettes & 100 combination meat baguettes.

MT Supermarket- 180 cases of noodles (30pk/case), 250 reusable bags, 1 pallet chicken broths & crackers.

Nguyễn Quang Thắng & Tammy Nguyễn & chị Thuận - 12 rice bag (25 lbs each) & 20 noodles boxes.

Nhàn Huỳnh- 25 desserts

NHÓM CHỊ EM AUSTIN (Hao Mimi HT, Yvonne Huong TranAmie Ackley, Kieu Nguyen, Anna TranHalie Le, Hang Hung, Diana Nguyen, Thuy Nguyen, Yen Le)- 195 sticky rice ready meals (Xôi gà thập cẩm)

Pat & Sara Lee- Pho Saigon/PhoNatic - Real Vietnamese Food- 100 meal boxes (Cơm thịt nướng)

Phật Tử Ban Trai Soạn- Chùa Linh-Sơn Leander.- 80 vegetarian & rice ready meals (Cơm tấm chay).

Sun-Academy Austin: 25 cases of bottled water.

Thao-Anna Tran: 1 noodles case.

Thu Nguyen- 100 meal buns.( Bánh bao)

Tú Phan.- 100 chicken soup ready-meals meals (Cháo gà).

Yen Le: 1 noodles case & 1 case of canned meat.

Dr. Luan Tran, DNP- AVAMPS. And Tri Luong- AACHI: medical masks, hand sanitizers, face shields, antibacterial hand wipes and Ensure drinks.

Thank you so much to all donors and contributors.

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